Friday, October 29, 2010

Costume Parties Equal Networking Opportunities

Hello my wonderful followers.  I hope all of you are in good spirits and ready for the weekend full of costume parties and potential networking opportunities.  When you are out at any social gathering, please keep in mind that you may meet someone that could help you on your job search.  You must always be prepared by presenting yourself in a professional manner.  I know this can be hard after a few bubblies but all I ask is that you at least try your best.

When you are at a social gathering, the common question that you wll most usually be asked by someone you meet for the first time is "What do you do?"  Have you thought about how you are going to answer this question?  Please consider what you will say before heading out to your gathering.

First of all, it is okay to say you are unemployed.  Please do not let the negative stigma attached to that word make you feel like you are a social disgrace.  I know this is easier said than done but the more people that know you are looking for work the better.  Try saying I am unemployed in the mirror a few times before you leave to get yourself used to the feelings that come along with saying this. 

After you feel you are comfortable with saying you are unemployed, come up with what you will say after this. Try to come up with a sentence that describes your background or how many years of experience you have in the field you were working in before. This way, you will feel better and boost your confidence up again.  Try saying something like the following: "Currently, I am unemployed. My background consists of five yars experience in the not for profit sector in volunteer management and fundraising roles.  I really enjoyed this type of work but am looking for something more permanent."  This is the line I always use and it realy has seemed to work for me. I always feel proud of my experience after I say this and it usually prompts my listener to ask further questions. Try to have specific examples of what you have done where you have been successful at your previous job.  Talk about how you streamlined operations, organized an event that generated so much revenue or identified new partnerships that you created that increased revenue.  Don't be afraid to toot your own horn.

Ask your listener what they do for a living and be interested and engaged. Ask how he or she likes their job, how he or she got into the industry, what schooling is necessary and most importantly, ask for a business card if you are interested in staying in touch. People do not hesitate in giving business cards.  Make sure when you get a business card to put it in your purse or wallet right away so you don't lose it throughout the evening.  Don't put it in your pocket because it is likely to end up in the washing machine. Even though you are unemployed, a good idea is to make your own business cards so you can still have something to hand out in return.  On your business card you can display all of your contact information and then say your line of work or what you are looking for.  It is a good idea to invest in a nice business card holder that is easy to carry and open. There is nothing worse than not being able to access your business cards professionally.  It will be even harder with a drink in your hand!

Even though you may be feeling down in the dumps because you are unemployed, push your comfort zone and get out there and go to that costume party this weekend.  The phone won't ring with a job offer if you don't get out there and make it happen.

So my fellow job seekers, get your networking face on as well as your costume.  Oh, one more piece of advice, make sure your costume is in good taste.  This will be your first impressionl. If you are going to wear a mask, make sure you can see properly and ensure people can hear you when you wear it.  Even more importantly, take it off when you meet someone that could potentially help you on your job search.  You want them to see you, not the mask.
Good luck this weekend!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Social Network Lab

I went to see the movie Social Network the second night it came out because I saw the advertisements on television and I thought they made the movie look interesting and exciting.  I didn't know much about Mark Zuckerberg before I went to see the film.  I was told by one of the audience members that the movie was non-fiction so I was interested to see how Facebook came to be. 

One thing that I found really interesting was the personality of Mark Zuckerberg.  In the film Mark Zuckerberg was a computer genius, but he still had feelings like everyone else.  I found it really interesting that many of his actions were in response to his own feelings of low self esteem.  I think his social life suffered because of his genius abilities and he was misunderstood by his peers.  I think his audiences will relate to him better now because they may identify with Zuckerberg as an actual person who struggled with women and didn't fit in socially all of the time.  In the movie, Zuckerberg doesn't end up getting the girl he really wants even though he is the youngest billionaire in the world.  It gives the message that money cannot buy you happiness and anything or everything you want. 

I think the movie does portray Zuckerberg as a hard working, creative, coding genius.  With that being said, he was also still very influenced by other people and forgot who his original friends were. I think he was swept up in his success and hurt some people along the way.  This is called forgetting who your friends are.  This would make audiences perceive him in a negative fashion.  However, money can change and do strange things to people and Facebook is the prime example of that.

When I went to see the film, the movie theatre was packed.  I was really interested in looking at who was attending the movie.  The age range in the room was really young.  I couldn’t believe it.  I found that really interesting.  I wondered if the age of the audience would understand the litigation aspect of the film and was curious if the public would be interested in that part of the movie.  I remember thinking that the advertisements about the movie didn’t focus on the litigation part which was a huge part of the film.
After reading the interview that Ben Parr had with Mark Zuckerberg, I have come to the conclusion that Zuckerberg is a smart business man.  I say this because Zuckerberg realizes that focusing on his business and developing new products is more important than worrying about if people like you are not.  He is not hung up on if people like or dislike him after watching the Facebook movie and I admire that.  The media could portray that this response to the movie is cold hearted but in reality, it is what is important.  Business is business.  I think it is a realistic response, especially with how big Facebook is.  I don’t think the amount of people that come out disliking Zuckerberg will even make a dent in the value of Facebook now or in the future.  It is a numbers game in my opinion.
I visited the Zuckerberg, Hears and Hollywood: PR Lessons Learned from the Past section and learned that Zuckerberg appeared on Oprah on the day the movie came out to announce the establishment of his foundation and his first gift of a $100 million which was given to the Newark school system. Zuckerberg says the timing was coincidental, which seems to insult the audience’s intelligence.  I agree, underestimating the intelligence of your audience is a public relations nightmare. Personally, I don’t believe that the timing was coincidental with Zuckerberg’s power and influence.  With that being said, I think it is important to see the good that is being done by the generosity of a $100 million dollar donation.  I have a background working in charities and this type of donation will change many lives.  I think the public relations strategy for Facebook now and in the future should be to focus on philanthropic initiatives and the success stories that prevail.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Advertising: Buyer Beware Project Post

Our group investigated if Organic produce really makes a difference.  I focused on the secondary research and learned about the Organic Trade Association, Canadian Organic Growers and the organic standards.  The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is the membership-based business association for the organic industry in North America. OTA’s mission is to promote and protect organic trade to benefit the environment, farmers, the public, and the economy.  OTA envisions organic products becoming a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people's lives and the environment. 
OTA is a leader in advocating and protecting organic standards so that consumers can have confidence in certified organic production. Organic farming is based on growing crops without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers.  The soil fertility must replenish and be maintained without the use of any chemicals whatsoever.  Organically grown produce must also be produced without the use of genetic engineering and other excluded practices, sewage sludge, or irradiation. 
Organic certification is a rigorous process that requires producers to adhere to a strict set of standards that go above and beyond all the applicable food safety laws. However, much of our air water and soil are already contaminated by chemical residues.  Organic agriculture is a response to this but it doesn’t mean products will be 100% residue free.  The Canada Organic Label is your assurance as a consumer that the product bearing it has met the Canadian government’s regulatory requirements for organic products.
Something to keep your eye out for is the Canada Organic Trade Association is partnering with other organic groups in Canada to launch National Organic Week from Oct. 9 (Thanksgiving) to Oct.16 (World Food Day). 
Our group concluded that the brand Organic is a powerful one.  People are willing to pay the higher prices for the organic label.  The organic label is a trusted label.  However, it is impossible to have produce 100% chemical and residue free because of things like pollution or acid rain for example.   

Canadian Organic Growers, believe that organic food production is the best choice for the health of consumers and producers and the protection and enhancement of the environment.  They believe that the survival of Canada and even the planet depend on organic production.

Creative Writing Blog Assignment: Invisible Chains Book Reading

According to End Modern-Day Slavery an online resource, Invisible Chains is the first book on human trafficking in Canada. The book is based on three-years of research with police officers, social workers and others on the front-lines, the book seeks to expose the problem, inform Canadians and dramatically improve Canada’s response to this hidden national tragedy. Award-winning law professor Benjamin Perrin exposes the tactics of ruthless traffickers, shares compassionate stories of survivors, and makes recommendations for government, law enforcement, companies, parents and average Canadians to end modern-day slavery in our country.

On October 13, 2010, Benjamin Perrin was at McNally Robinson Booksellers at Grant Park Shopping Centre promoting his new book Invisible Chains.  He was doing much more than promotion though.  He was raising awareness of the horrible crime of human Trafficking.  There was standing room only in the Atrium and the crowd was listening intently.  Member of Parliament Joy Smith was on site as well.  She shared the same passion for the cause.   

Perrin founded Future Group in 2002.  His research indicated that between 2006 and 2008. The top-four sources of victims of human trafficking were from Romania, the Philippines, Moldova and China.  Trafficking victims are typically brought to Canada to work in the sex trade or forced labour states Perrin.  Perrin informed the crowd that there is a difference between sex slavery and prostitution.  Perrin informs his audience that sex slavery involves horrible conditions.  The individuals are treated like livestock.  Victims can be trafficked as early as nine years old.  Tricking an individual into sex slavery is the worst lie you can tell someone . 

His talk was very inspirational and he left his audience with ten things one can do to combat human trafficking:
Tell Someone: Share information
Help Heroes : Support Organizations that help survivors
Raise Awareness: Host an awareness event
Call for Change: Contact your municipal, provincial and federal politicians
Take A Stand:
Let Your Dollar: Talk: Buy fair trade products
Speak Up
Be A Woman Against Human Trafficking: Talk to males you know about the realities of women and girls exploited in the sex industry
Be A Man against Human Trafficking: Don't pay for sex or go to commercial places where commercial sex acts take place
Report It: Be aware of the signs of human trafficking in your community, at work and when travelling
Report suspicious activity to your local police, or Crime Stoppers by calling -800-222-8477

I was so inspired by his Perrin's Passion for this cause, I wanted to help raise awareness.

Thank you for reading and please pass this information along.  Together, we are stronger.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Short Story Review Creative Writing: Birdsong

Birdsong by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is the short story I chose to review. Adichie is known for being an author of African literature. Adichie was born in Nigeria. I found the short story in the New Yorker magazine and appeared on September 20, 2010. Some of her previous works include,"You in America" that was revised and published in 2004 as "The Thing around Your Neck.” and My Mother, the Crazy African", as well as "New Husband" (2003) along with "The Grief of Strangers" (2004). Her topics examine issues faced by first-generation immigrants in the West, ranging from abuse and financial difficulties to problems relating to language and identity.   Adichie is also named among The New Yorker's '20 under 40', 2010 list.
The Birdsong is a short story about a young woman in Lagos, Nigeria, who has an affair with a wealthy married man. The characterization of our heroine in this story is extremely effective.  The details really give the reader as sense of how human she actually is.  The reader could initially dislike the heroine because she is committing adultery.  I found myself caring for the heroine, feeling for her and wanting to comfort her. 
 The dialogue between the married man and our heroine is not written in a cliché type format.  The dialogue sounds real.  There are several points in the short story where the reader is taken into the mind of our heroine who is vulnerable and just wants to be loved.  Yet at the same time, she is feisty, opinionated and demands more than how the other characters are treating her. 
The reader really feels the mixed emotions our heroine experiences in this relationship. The heroine is animated, real, opinionated, strong and fragile all at the same time.  She has so much depth.  The reader also can identify that the heroine is not a bad person.   The reader can see how easy it would be to get drawn into the seductive lifestyle our heroine experiences with her lover.  The mystery of it all is the attraction yet the same thing that causes her the most loneliness.

Mayoral Debate

This was the first debate of this kind that I have ever gone to.  I really found it exciting.  Seeing what happens behind the scenes was particularly exciting to me.  Seeing how much of the debate actually was showmanship was an eye opener.  Hearing this type of debate on the radio compared to seeing it live would be a completely different experience.  I think the forum was an excellent choice.  I think that having the debate in a campus setting, gives the impression that the candidates care about youth.  As a mature student, I don’t fit into the youth category.  I wished the candidates touched a bit on how red river is a place for older students as well.
After the debate, I decided to go and vote at City Hall.  I thought this would be an ideal time as the issues were still fresh in my head.  I have never been so organized with voting before in my life so I was very proud that I had such a head start this year.  I was the 451 person to vote in Winnipeg.  I thought that was pretty cool.  The debate motivated me.
I felt a part of the dabte from physically being in the live audience.  I wanted to ask two questions but I was told my questions were more for a provincial election.  I was a bit disappointed but I understood the context.  One of my questions involved the bed bugs epidemic that is happening right now.  I still would have liked to hear how the candidates feel about this issue.  With shelters like Osborne House, it is necessary to have a plan of action in place so essential services are not forced to still operate under these types of conditions. 
I was surprised how personal Judy was.  She came up to our group and engaged in conversation.  What I didn’t like about her answers was that she kept on repeating herself.  I know that she has a platform and wants to stick to that but it became a bit boring.  Community centers are important but I don’t think they are the answer to everything.  I was really impressed with Sam. I was impressed with his passion for Winnipeg and how he stressed the importance of quality jobs to ensure graduates stay in Winnipeg.  That is what got my vote.