Saturday, September 25, 2010

Job Searching Tips

Hello my fabulous followers.  I hope you are all well.  I wanted to touch on a few things today that are helpful when you are on a job search.

When you are on a job search, it isn't unusual to send out resumes to several potential employers.  The tricky thing you as the job hunter must do is keep organized.  It is important not to just send out your resume without tracking where and who you sent it to.  Keep hard files and electronic files of this information to be on the safe side.  You never know when your computer might crash and then your information is gone.

When I am on a job search, I like to create a folder in my email inbox.  This way, I can move emails from potential employers into this folder and I always know where I put them.

Another important tip is not to answer the phone when a potential employer calls if you are not prepared.  It is better to let the individual leave a message and you can call them back. Call them back only after you have done your research about the company and the position  you applied for.  Please, do not put yourself in a comprimisng position by not knowing what position the employer is referencing or not remembering when you applied or what compyany you applied to.  You only get one chance to make a great first impression over the phone so don't blow it by being lazy.

When you are on a job search, it is a smart investment to ensure you have call display.  If you don't have call display, remember that it can be a potential employer calling. Don't answer the phone if you just woke up, or if you are entertaining friends and blaring your music.  When you answer that phone, that is the start of your interivew.  Be smart and make sure you are articulate, professional and prepared. Try to have a pad of paper and a pen with you as well as your day timer because the Human Resource person could ask you about your availablity to schedule an interview.  You will always guarantee the prime interview slot if you know your own availablity right away.

I hope you have found these tips helpful.  They might seem like common sense to some of you but it is a helpful reminder to keep these tips top of mind when job searching.

Thank you to all of you for following my blog.  I value your time and loyalty!
Anrea Zaslov