Friday, November 19, 2010

Dressing Professionally In Snow

Hello Followers!

For those of you who live in Winnipeg, I hope you managed to get around today with our first big dump of snow for the season. 

I was thinking, with snow comes the winter coats, boots, hats, scarves, gloves etc. It makes me wonder if people who are on career searches keep in mind that they need to dress professionally even with their outer wear when going on interviews. Wearing huge witner boots for example with a hat with a pom pom on the top may not be the wisest choice to ensure you make that killer first impression.

For interviews, I ask that you please think of your outfit to include outer wear. Don't wear the power suit and kill the look with Sorels.  Both men and woman are able to invest in a nice wool or leather coat. I know they are costly and you probably don't have the funds right now if you are looking for work. However, being resourceful is always handy. I suggest that if you find the item you like, see if the store has layawy options. With Christmas around the corner, add it to your wish list. There are also stores like the Clothes Closet, Redeemed, Value Village that are excellent options to keep you professional looking and warm this winter. They may be second hand clothing, but most of the clothing is in great condition. Why not even take a trip across the line. My friend went to Fargo last weekend and was bragging how many great deals she found.

Try to find a professional pair of gloves that match a hat and scarf. This will tell the employer that you care about your appearance and took the time and it also makes you look more together and organized. With the winter comes the wind. I don't know about you, but I always have watery eyes in the wind. On interviews, I always take tissue with me so I don't have tears running down my face in front of the receptionist. If you can, arrive a few minutes early to go to the batheroom to fix yourself up. I always reapply a bit of lipstick, comb my hair and take my jacket off in the bathroom so it is draped over my arm as I walk in to where the interview will take place.

Interviewing is a bit more challenging in the winter no question. There is nothing like arriving to a potential employer huffing and puffing with red rosy cheecks.

Hopefully, you will also remember to check where your references are for the winter months as well. Touch base with them and find out when they will be going on their winter holiday. Maybe some of them have turned into snow birds and are gone to Arizona for six months out of the year. If you are asked to present references, the employer will appreciate it if you have insight on how to get a hold of your references if they are having difficulties reaching them. It saves them time after all and speeds up the process of you landing that job!

There, are a few tips I can offer the career searching individual as winter is upon us. One thing to take notice is that around the Christmas months, the career sections in the paper are pretty dismal. Don't be discouraged. I know it can get you down and be frustrating. Sometimes, you may wonder why you even bothered buyiing a Saturday's paper. My advice to you to combat this is creative networking! Get out to as many social functions as you can over the Christmas Party season and make those contacts.

Get your phone ringing with interviews and make sure to buy professional winter out wear. Here is the online address for the Clothes Closet and Redeemed.
Good luck and happy searching!  Stay warm and look great.

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