Friday, January 28, 2011

Personal Challenge

Hello my wonderful followers. I hope those of you in Winnipeg, braved the snow today. I had to take transit home today and had snow way past my ankles. I didn't wear boots today and wish I had. Today's topic is about making changes.

I thought to write about making changes because I have been transfixed all afternoon with watching what is happening in Egypt. Wow. All curfews, internet cut off, phone lines down, really scared me. Young people protesting, images of fires in the streets. That got me to thinking how lucky we are to live in a place like Canada. I see these people, fighting for their freedoms and stepping up. Then I think about people who have a dream that they don't follow, or a job they go to because they have to. We live in Canada where change and lifelong learning is at our fingertips. My challenge to you if you are in a job you don't like is to change it. Make that change starting now.
It is in your reach, just reach for it. It is something you deserve. You are worth it. Please don't ever think that you are not worth fighting for something you want.
So, for those of you who want to change jobs, I challenge you to check out the career section in the Winnipeg Free Press this Saturday and visit I urge you to think about what you are interested in.
If you are at a company where you can move up, I challenge you to create your own action plan with ideas how you can stand out from your co-workers. I challenge you to think of new initiatives to make your workplace a better place to be. Think how you can streamline operations and save your organization money.
You can do this! If Egypt can try this hard, so can you. Don't give up!
I would love to hear about any of your efforts. Please, let me know about your changes that you have made. I am genuinely interested in your progress.

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